Page 32 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 32

A fascinating story

           Steve:  What are you looking at, Grandad?
           Grandad:   It’s a scrapbook of my adventure.
                      Look, there's a photo of me.
           Steve:  Where did you go?
           Grandad:   I went to the desert. One day I decided to go on an exciting journey. I looked at a map
                      of the world and I chose the Sahara Desert. I took my luggage, my passport and a return
                      ticket and left.
           Steve:  How did you get there?
           Grandad:   First, I flew on a fast plane and then I went slowly by car to a village next to the desert.
                      Next, I met a man called Assam and he wanted to show me the desert. The first day was
                      very hot, but the desert was beautiful. Then on the second day a terrible thing happened.
           Steve:  What happened?
           Grandad:   When I woke up early in the morning, Assam was very ill. He had a temperature
                      and he felt sick. He needed a doctor quickly. So I went alone across the desert.
           Steve:     How did you feel?
           Grandad:     I was scared. But I knew I had to help Assam. I walked for hours. Luckily, I had
                      a compass and I used it to go west towards the village. Finally, I found the
                                                village. Assam’s brother and I rode camels back into
                                                the desert. We found Assam and we took him back
                                                to his village. It was a great adventure with a happy

                                                         Phrase Book

           Listen and read                                 Telling a story

          1    22   Read and listen to the dialogue.    3    23   Decide where these words go in the story. Write
             Where did Steve's grandad find help           the story in your notebook. Then listen and check.
             for his friend?
                                                            first  one day  finally  then  when  next

          2  Answer the questions. Write the               (1)    I decided to go on an excursion to the seaside.
             answers in your notebook.                     (2)    , I caught a bus and (3)    I walked slowly to the
             1  What did Steve’s grandad take?
             2 What did Assam want to show                 (4)    , I swam fast in the sea. (5)    I got out of the sea,

                Steve’s grandad?                           I saw a dog sitting on my towel. I asked many people

             3 What was the matter with Assam              to help me find its owner.
                on the second day?                         (6)    , we found her. It was an old lady. She smiled

             4 What did Steve’s grandad use to             happily when she saw her dog again.
                go west towards the village?
             5  Did the story end happily?
                                                        4  Tell your own mini-story.

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